Next Wednesday, 22 January, at 15:30, the itdUPM will host a new (im)probable dialogue focused on the citizen participation methodology known as civic kitchen (more information here). This tool, applied for a decade in different countries and contexts, seeks to foster collaborative work in highly heterogeneous environments.
The event will feature the participation of Antonio Lafuente, who holds a PhD in Physical Sciences and is a researcher at the Centre for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC (Madrid). Lafuente is the author of more than 20 books and over 100 articles, many of them in international publications. His work currently focuses on topics such as the commons, citizen laboratories and open science.
Antonio Lafuente’s experience with the civic kitchen is collected in his book “Peras con Manzanas. Cómo hacer prototipos sin tener ni idea” (Click here for more details). This book combines theory and practice to address common problems through interdisciplinarity (codified knowledge) and indisciplinarity (non-codified knowledge). The civic kitchen promotes collaborative solutions, valuing both problem identification and coexistence and functionality, using design thinking tools.
We look forward to exploring together how participatory methodologies can transform the way we address shared challenges.