Putting citizens at the center of urban transformation, taking into account their diversity and using a more accessible language were some of the main reflections on the social dimension of the European Cities Mission. This roundtable presented the citizen involvement strategy developed by citiES 2030 in collaboration with Tangente. The aim is to make participation an enriching experience that goes beyond traditional spaces and methodologies.
Regarding the Climate Agreements as vectors of transformation, mention was made of their potential to plan actions and promote innovations in governance, which makes possible, among other things, a more comprehensive approach to European commitments. As challenges, the need to explore how social aspects can be more deeply integrated was raised, and innovation in financial aspects was proposed as a next step.
Massive energy rehabilitation is the first great shared challenge of the Mission cities, so one of the debates focused on this topic. What is relevant is not only the massive energy rehabilitation program developed by the platform in collaboration with GBCe, but it has been designed in a collaborative way taking into account the reality of the cities. This program seeks to address barriers such as poor administrative coordination, communication gaps between different sectors, financial fragmentation, the absence of energy offices and spaces to support citizens, among others. This area has as a pilot the URBANEW project, funded by NetZeroCities, which will show the potential of collaboration between cities in the energy rehabilitation sector.
At the end of the day, representatives from various countries (Sweden, the Netherlands, Romania and Portugal) discussed the implementation of national platforms in Europe. All the participants agreed on the important role of these collaborative spaces, both to amplify the implementation of the Mission and to share experiences and lessons learned among them. Special emphasis was placed on the substantial value of the teams leading the platforms and the need to finance these tasks. In addition, focus was placed on the need to identify business models that are suitable for this type of structures and help to promote their transition. It is expected that collaboration between national platforms will be strengthened in the near future.
At the end of the event, Olga Kordas, Director of Viable Cities, was recognized for her work in the Swedish platform and for being a constant source of knowledge and inspiration for citiES 2030.