Commitment to ClimaX
Navas de Tolosa School

Commitment to ClimaX
Navas de Tolosa School

Climate Commitment – which has been celebrating the diversity of voices and forces that make Madrid’s climate mission possible for the last 4 years – is proud to present the first ClimaX event. The purpose is the same, but with a localised philosophy: to celebrate the climate commitment of a neighbourhood, a school, a community of neighbours and their extraordinary contribution to the mission.

Our first ClimaX event will take place in the courtyard of the CEIP Navas de Tolosa in San Cristóbal de los Ángeles. This playground, conceived and designed by many neighbours, opens up to the neighbourhood and the surrounding park, is filled with shade and water games, becomes a space for families to take a nap and socialise, and is a model of a climate-adapted school playground that we hope will spread to many other playgrounds.

If you are a mother, a father, an educator, or just someone who believes that a different Madrid is possible, come and discover how a school playground can have an impact on an entire neighbourhood. We’ll be waiting for you on the 4th of July in San Cristobal de los Ángeles, in Villaverde. It is 15 minutes from the city centre. Not only will you celebrate the playground with us, playing with the jets and dancing to world music, but you will also meet the artists and activists who make Sancris a diverse and culturally unique world.

For us, Climate Commitment is just that. A total commitment. It is the conviction that the climate crisis is always also a social crisis. The Navas Courtyard is the public response to this crisis and wants to offer the public the opportunity to participate.

🎟️ NO RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY to attend the event

🗓️ 4 July at 21:00

📍 CEIP Navas de Tolosa, calle Benimamet 109, Villaverde, Madrid – Entrance through Parque Dehesa Boyal

Climax navas de tolosa
Climax navas de tolosa

Climate Commitment – which has been celebrating the diversity of voices and forces that make Madrid’s climate mission possible for the last 4 years – is proud to present the first ClimaX event. The purpose is the same, but with a localised philosophy: to celebrate the climate commitment of a neighbourhood, a school, a community of neighbours and their extraordinary contribution to the mission.

Our first ClimaX event will take place in the courtyard of the CEIP Navas de Tolosa in San Cristóbal de los Ángeles. This playground, conceived and designed by many neighbours, opens up to the neighbourhood and the surrounding park, is filled with shade and water games, becomes a space for families to take a nap and socialise, and is a model of a climate-adapted school playground that we hope will spread to many other playgrounds.

If you are a mother, a father, an educator, or just someone who believes that a different Madrid is possible, come and discover how a school playground can have an impact on an entire neighbourhood. We’ll be waiting for you on the 4th of July in San Cristobal de los Ángeles, in Villaverde. It is 15 minutes from the city centre. Not only will you celebrate the playground with us, playing with the jets and dancing to world music, but you will also meet the artists and activists who make Sancris a diverse and culturally unique world.

For us, Climate Commitment is just that. A total commitment. It is the conviction that the climate crisis is always also a social crisis. The Navas Courtyard is the public response to this crisis and wants to offer the public the opportunity to participate.

🎟️ NO RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY to attend the event

🗓️ 4 July at 21:00

📍 CEIP Navas de Tolosa, calle Benimamet 109, Villaverde, Madrid – Entrance through Parque Dehesa Boyal