January 31. Dialogue (im)probable. Sustainability in air transport: beyond GDP and employment generation.

January 31. Dialogue (im)probable. Sustainability in air transport: beyond GDP and employment generation.

Next Wednesday, January 31, in the framework of the Iberia-UPM Chair for the decarbonization of air transport, the itdUPM space (map) will host an (im)probable dialogue on just transition and air sustainability.

What was the session like?

In the conversation we will address both the environmental side of just transition and its social side.

Together with invited experts and young students, we will try to answer questions such as: what role can sustainable aviation fuels (also known as SAF) play, to what extent do they also represent an opportunity to generate wealth (GDP) and employment, how can the social and environmental impact of efforts and progress in this field be measured?

Establishing appropriate metrics, in fact, can have a profound impact on accelerating the green transition of air transport, making companies’ strategic objectives and sustainability criteria compatible.

Are you in?

This dialogue, which is part of the Iberia-UPM Chair, is one of the ways in which the airline company listens to and exchanges with different stakeholders in order to co-create its sustainability strategy with relevant groups.
Therefore, experts in various fields of knowledge will also be invited, such as professors from the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (ETSIAE), the School of Industrial Engineering UPM (ETSII), as well as students interested in sustainability.

Who will join us?

Sustainability Director of Iberia. PhD in Law from the Carlos III University of Madrid, she has a wide experience in the national and international academic field, as well as an extensive professional experience.

Chief Economist of Deloitte Spain and responsible for the Economics and Analysis of Financial Advisory services of Deloitte Spain.

Founder and director of the Spanish office of the non-governmental organization European Federation for Transport and Environment (Transport&Environment), from where she promotes together with her team the protection of the environment, climate and health in all areas of transport.

Next Wednesday, January 31, in the framework of the Iberia-UPM Chair for the decarbonization of air transport, the itdUPM space (map) will host an (im)probable dialogue on just transition and air sustainability.

What was the session like?

In the conversation we will address both the environmental side of just transition and its social side.

Together with invited experts and young students, we will try to answer questions such as: what role can sustainable aviation fuels (also known as SAF) play, to what extent do they also represent an opportunity to generate wealth (GDP) and employment, how can the social and environmental impact of efforts and progress in this field be measured?

Establishing appropriate metrics, in fact, can have a profound impact on accelerating the green transition of air transport, making companies’ strategic objectives and sustainability criteria compatible.

Are you in?

This dialogue, which is part of the Iberia-UPM Chair, is one of the ways in which the airline company listens to and exchanges with different stakeholders in order to co-create its sustainability strategy with relevant groups.

Therefore, experts in various fields of knowledge will also be invited, such as professors from the School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering (ETSIAE), the School of Industrial Engineering UPM (ETSII), as well as students interested in sustainability.

¿Quiénes nos acompañarán?

Teresa Parejo

Sustainability Director of Iberia. PhD in Law from the Carlos III University of Madrid, she has a wide experience in the national and international academic field, as well as an extensive professional experience.

Ana Aguilar

Chief Economist of Deloitte Spain and responsible for the Economics and Analysis of Financial Advisory services of Deloitte Spain.

Isabell Büschel

Founder and director of the Spanish office of the non-governmental organization European Federation for Transport and Environment (Transport&Environment), from where she promotes together with her team the protection of the environment, climate and health in all areas of transport.