Citizens’ assemblies
In his presentation, he also highlighted the special legitimacy of citizens’ assemblies, where participation is decided by lottery among the entire citizenry. This method broadens diversity, but also transforms pre-existing biases. It is essential, he said, to achieve a stratification that truly represents the population the assembly serves.
In Europe, several important laws have been decided through citizen participation, from euthanasia in France to abortion in Ireland. Among the different formulas for citizen participation, Bermejo focused especially on climate assemblies, a particular area of focus for him and his team.
Through projects such as CLIMAte, for example, they are seeking to support the transformation towards climate resilience by providing an innovative toolbox to enable empowerment and participation strategies that promote a “resilient by design” society.
He also gave the example of the “Global Assembly”, which was held in the Green Zone at COP26 in Glasgow. In this case, he raised the question of who really governs the world and how these assemblies can challenge the prevailing leadership profiles. With this example, he highlighted the importance of assemblies in advancing social justice in the absence of global democracy tools.
In short, the issue is about reframing public debate, from diversifying voices in a balanced way to turning issues into political dilemmas.
The conclusion points to permanent processes of citizen participation, where citizens are continuously involved in debates and decisions.