At itdUPM we have been part of the EU Cities Mission design (as I was member of the first Mission Board between 2019-2021) and we started working with Spanish cities in 2020 through an initiative called “El Día Después” (The Day After), and since 2021 launching the Spanish NetZeroCities platform called citiES 2030.
Moreover, we consider academia -and specially universities- as a relevant actor to facilitate partnerships and participation processes in order to face complex problems. Universities have not only the scientific knowledge, but the legitimacy and neutral vision when promoting spaces of collaboration among diverse actors.
Therefore, when NetZeroCities was designed (submitting a proposal for the Horizon 2020 call), it seemed a natural step to participate in the consortium as part of our goal of contributing to the sustainability of European and Spanish cities.
Being part of the mission has also reinforced our role as one of the main promoters of the Spanish national platform (citiES 2030).